The History of Our School

Siri Piyarathana Central Collage belongs to the 'Medagam Pattuwa' of 'Hewawasam Korala' of Colombo District in Homagama Educational zone and Padukka education divition which catagorized under the school of the southern board of Avissawella the founder of the school was ven theo Kurunagala Siripiyarathana It was establis 1880 as Buddiest school with a staff of three teachers under the patronage of Moragahathanna temple in Arukwaththa

The school was first started in a hut and was named by its founder ven thero Siri Piyarathana as the tribute offered for him self.this was an idea of Mr. I.M.R.A Iriyogolla,who was the minister of education in 1968 after his new reforms of education.

There were many schools establish by the missionaries of 'lanka sabha' in Angampitiya,Liyanawala Udumulla,Kurugala when the country was under British Rule.The Cristian fathers had taken initiative steps to start these schools.A church was built in Liyanwala and the mother of herbet Dawubdeen (who was the Inspector general of police during the time)had work hard to promote the religious activities regarding Christianity within the area.thrfore ven Siri Piyarathana thero started 14 Buddhiest
schools to uplift the religious performances of Buddhism.Siri Piyarathana was the first of them.

there was a request to take the school under the adminisrtation of the 12th of September in 1990 when the arrival of Colone sir Henry Olcott,'Parama Vigngnanartha' Buddhist Association was establish.
As a result of awakening took place in Buddhism during the preiod school was started too.It has started at the permises of Moragahathanna temple it was shifted to near by the market padukka and in 1883 to the Ranjanie Film hall premises at that time.there were 12 student and grades 1 to 8 in the school on 9th of may in 1900 it was taken to the present premises of school after bulilding the first classroom there the school was registered under the government after marking it a company during the period of 1908-1911.